Ovipets Wiki

Example of mutations that Gryphus has.

Mutations (also called genes, and commonly known as mutes within the community) are inherited from parents to offspring or spliced to an egg.

For each species there is a mutation chart that shows which mutations you can splice and what it costs. You have to research mutations before you can splice them.

The mutations are inherited dominant recessive, which means that only the most dominant genes are inherited.

Some pets don't have any mutations, but some can have even 8 mutations.

How does developing mutations work?[]

  1. You breed a generated pet with a spliced pet.
    • The offspring will not show the mutation (no mutation is dominant), but will carry the gene for it. This means the mutation can show at their offspring again.
  2. You breed two pets with mutations on the same part of the body (for example two different tails):
    1. The pet shows one of the visible mutations
      • One or both of the genes of the parents are inherited and the dominant one is visible. This is the usual case.
    2. The pet shows another mutation
      • A gene for either parents' visible mutation was not given to the offspring. Another mutation gene, that was not visible in the parent, was inherited. There are two possibilities now: either both parents carry the same gene, so that a recessive gene shows up, or both parents inherited different (less dominant) mutations of which the more dominant one shows up.
      • This can even happen if the parents show NO mutation or the visible mutation is nowhere to see in the pedigree chart.

